Tag Archives: U.S. Embassy
Independence Day Party at the Embassy. The State Fair! 2015
“There are moments you remember all your Life. This is one of those moments.”
I am dedicating this Title to a series of life experiences that for me, were just too unbelievable to be true. Things I just couldn’t imagine happening, that I will remember and cherish always.
I remember in Jan 2013. I was away in Botswana…(we’ll get to that later) and was contacted by Darcie from the U.S. Embassy. Long story short, I was asked to sing the U.S. National Anthem at their Independence Day celebration. After I said yes, my head hit the floor. What an honour. Never could I have imagined such a request asked of me. I practiced but never could have imagined the magnitude of the moment.
Even more tense that I had to sing it A capella! I was so nervous, sharing the stage with our Ambassador Mark and Natalia Brzezinski but mostly to sing the Anthem in front of Ambassadors, Dignitaries, Officials, Honoured guests, peers and friends. It was overwhelming.
I thought to myself, if I was ever asked again, I will not be this nervous.
May 2014… I get a mail from Darcie asking if I would sing the Anthem for the Embassy’s 4th of July Party. I was again elated and honoured but nothing prepared me for the rest of the information. The party was to be held in Visby Gotland during Almedalen! If you had been a fly on the wall, you would have fell off for laughing at me so hard as I screeched and jumped around! I had never been to Gotland in all my years in Stockholm and to experience Almedalen was going to be a weekend to remember!
The party took place at the Governor’s garden. The food and festivities were unforgettable. The energy was electric. This time, a different nervouseness as I was outside and my voice not only reached the people in the garden but outside the walls to the boat docks. With The Ambassador and Natalia by my side, I remember how quiet it became as I sang. I saw phones rise up and realized that these were not only photos being taken but recordings and film of me singing… Yeah… no pressure.
Fortunate for me it went really well and everyone was happy. As for me, I was again, honoured for being asked and proud to honour my country and the song.
Third time is a charm…yet bitter sweet.
My third time to be asked to sing the National Anthem. This time at the Embassy with a State Fair theme. Red, White and Blue jeans. I missed that part.
This party also had a great blues Band headed by Brian Kramer. Great food, great games, Fresh Cotton Candy and Fried Oreos! Don’t knock ’em until you tried them. This time when I sang, it felt very soothing. My thoughts drifted a bit. I thought about the fact that this is the final term for Ambassador Mark Brzezinski. He would be leaving in a month and we would be receiving a new Ambassador. Mark and Natalia will be missed.
I am greatly honoured to have been able to sing and spend time with them and all the folks at the Embassy. I know I will see you all again soon! Besides, I owe Kyle cupcakes!
U.S. Embassy Independence Day Party! “The State Fair” June 2015